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Woman After God's Own Heart....Striving for Excellence, Settling for Nothing but God's Best!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chiropractic Care and Other Random Thoughts

Things are slightly back to normal again after my husband, Greg's accident. He had his first chiropractic appointment on Friday and started walking straight for the first time since Tuesday. Yesterday we spent the day together, and he drove and participated in a Zumba class without any major pain or complications. I think I got on his nerves reminding him to take it easy all day. He still has 2 chiropractic appointments a week for the next couple of weeks because his entire left side was shifted out of alignment. Our family chiropractor, Dr. Moore, said I should probably attend a few of those appointments with him, because the stress had caused me to be tense and unbalanced as well. We go to the chiropractor at least once a month for maintenance anyway, and have had the same chiropractor since we've been married. I've learned that posture and chiropractor care are beneficial to increase balance and overall health and well-being. Chiropractic care is a part of my pregnancy formula which is really just my healing formula. I've learned that when my body is healthy and balanced, it helps me to have mental and spiritual clarity because my nerves can communicate to the rest of my body to get my organs and cells  to function more efficiently and complete daily bodily functions more effectively. It also encourages my body to make a baby with little to no effort on my part. My first doctor told me that I had a body for baring children. He even postponed my appointment for birth control because he really wanted me to think about it some more. I thought he was just telling me that because that's the way he makes money, but now I'm starting to think he was  kind of right. I only wanted to be on birth control because I was tired and felt like my body really needed a break. I was a week overdue with Tre' so I had to be induced for labor. Then I was in labor for 24.5 hours of which about 20 of those hours was natural. I just couldn't take the pain anymore and had an epidural when I got to 7cm. The actual delivery part was easy. I pushed 3 times and Tre' entered the world, but it took forever to get there. After he passed away I took birth control pills for 3 days and then decided to let God and my body choose when was the right time for me to have more children. I didn't want to miss my moment and chose to focus on healing. On a scale of 1 to 10 my stress level last year was a 9. My stress level this year is a 2. When it starts to creep back up again like now, I start to make adjustments. One adjustment I will be making is canceling my morning Zumba classes to ensure that we can have adequate time to spend together and with God without feeling rushed. We have time to pray separately all day but our joint prayer and worship times are too often cut short due to my classes. I really believe that prayer and the grace of God made the difference in my husband being able to walk away from that accident just bruised. There is still issues with the car and the other person not having insurance, but I know that it's already taken care of so I really don't focus on that. My focus is really being prayerful to discern what is the  best way to handle everything. I believe that God is the sight beyond what we see and knows what's best. When we look to Him for guidance in our seeking, we are sure to find the right answers and what we need.


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