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Woman After God's Own Heart....Striving for Excellence, Settling for Nothing but God's Best!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Best Gift of All

I haven't had much time to get on the computer lately as I have been adjusting post delivery. Gina Faye Stargell, our beautiful baby girl, was born December 22, 2011 at 9:58 am. She weighed 7lbs and 15 ounces. The day before I went to my doctors office for a check up. I was still stuck at 1.5 cm dilation and we discussed possible having an induction on her due date December 28 so that she would be here for the New Year. Well Gina had other plans. My water broke in the middle of the night. I woke up totally freaked out and startled my husband. I learned quickly that when your water breaks it is so not like in the movies. Luckily I had laid out my hospital clothes and put my hospital bag in the car the morning of my doctors appointment just in case so I was mostly already ready to go. I took a shower and put food and water out for my dogs before going to the hospital. I was in labor for 6 hours before Gina was born, and we were discharged on Christmas Eve. I received great gifts for Christmas, but she was the best gift of all. My husband and I really enjoy her. Since I gave birth to Gina, I haven't gotten much sleep, but I don't mind. I'm just so grateful to experience the joys of motherhood again. For so long all I felt was pain. So far Gina is nothing like her brother except they both have their daddy's eyes. Sometimes I stare in her eyes and see him. I get really emotional, and when she cries, sometimes I steal a moment to cry too. I cry because I'm joyful. I cry because I miss Tre'. I cry because I'm so thankful for Gina. If I could choose one word to describe Tre' it would be cool. If I could choose one word to describe Gina it would be sassy. Tre' was just an awesome laid back cool little dude. Gina is very sassy with a million facial expressions just like me. I can only imagine what she would say if she could talk. Most people don't get to see her many faces because she is usually sleep during the day, and we are up together all night. She is such a diva. LOL. I fully know to cherish and appreciate each moment with her, and I pray that we have many many more precious moments together throughout the new year and years to come.


  1. Beautiful, just Beautiful!! PRAISE GOD!!!!

  2. I could have written this. It seems like our boys & our girls are so alike. I was just tell hubby how feisty our girl is & how I'm scared of her - lol. Thinking of you
