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Woman After God's Own Heart....Striving for Excellence, Settling for Nothing but God's Best!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where Am I?

Right now I am literally all over the city of Huntsville. I decided to teach Zumba to get back into health and fitness, and I am having a blast! I love to shake, rattle, and roll. I always have, but I'm not really a clubber anymore unless it's salsa dancing because there is some etiquette to salsa and I can "Stay Saved". I'm usually up by 4:30 am because my first Zumba class starts at 5:30. I've been at it for a little over a month, and some people including myself are already starting to see results which is a blessing. I am also a newby vegetarian which is very different considering I love meat, but overall I'm more healthy and fit than I've been in quite some time.
I don't talk about my spiritual life much these days. I am learning things that I never learned in church and my views on a lot of things in life are changing. I use to just read the bible; now I study it and what a difference it makes. I don't knock others' beliefs, I don't argue points, and I profess to know nothing except that Christ died for me. I'm more focused in my journey to build a deeper understanding and relationship with God and to love people regardless of their beliefs. I seek truth not tradition or religion, which I have learned comes in many forms. I do still go to church from time to time just because I like church and to fellowship with friends, but I'm really not into it the way I was before: first one there, last one to leave, etc... For a long time I would just go to church to encourage others in the Lord. It wasn't to learn anything (sometimes I did depending on the church) or to be in the presence of the Lord (sometimes things in the church service distract me from his presence) because I feel His presence continuously and I am learning continuously everyday.
One thing I have learned  and now pay attention to is that God has a name. I always thought God was just God with a capital G, but He has a name, and it's not Jehovah. Many study bibles will tell you in the footnotes that Jehovah is a mistranslation. Which is crazy to me b/c it's like everywhere, but it's true. I don't say His name out loud because I don't know how to pronounce it yet, but I now know what it looks like and how to spell it so I meditate on it a lot and ask for Him to give me more revelation. At first I thought it was okay just to call God "God" and Jesus "Jesus", but that's something I'm still praying about because I know how I am. I don't like for people to mispronounce my name or try to translate it into another language b/c it confuses people on what my name really is. I want to give the Almighty the same respect I prefer. To some people it doesn't matter, and normally I would agree except for in my personal relationship (which I often don't share) it does.
So between Zumba, studying the Bible, being a housewife, and chilling with Mira, volunteering from time to time, business, etc I stay pretty busy. Still loving and missing my baby boy. I think about him every day. I see his smile when I go to sleep every night....

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this & will continue to pray 4 you & Greg.

