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Woman After God's Own Heart....Striving for Excellence, Settling for Nothing but God's Best!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yay !!!! It's My Birthday!!!!

Today is my birthday, and I'm excited just to be living. I appreciate the small things in life now more than ever. My life is far from perfect, but it's good because I choose to  be positive and walk in faith. I appreciate my good times and my bad because I am fully persuaded that all things work together for my good. I may not like some of life's twists and turns, but I know that together the end result is always good. This time last year I really didn't care about it being my birthday. I was so hurt that I didn't see the point of life after the pain of losing my son. I didn't want him to go, but I obviously didn't have a choice. Even in the hospital after they pronounced his death, I screamed, I cried, I grabbed the doctor's face and looked in her eyes for some last sign of hope that it just wasn't so. But it was. People everywhere were  praying: in the hospital, on my job, on the road, in their homes. I had been praying too, but I always ended every prayer with God's will be done. Having my son taught me the importance of being selfless in my prayers. I was really just starting to learn how to walk in God's love.  Real love. Even when I didn't feel like it, the Spirit of God always led me back to a desire for God's will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven. I remember telling someone  in the hospital that I was selfish and that I wanted my son so bad, but if it was God's will to take him, then I just had to trust Him.God's peace swarmed in upon me like a flood. Sometimes I still don't believe that was me or this is me even when I look at where I am now, but when I wake up and Tre' is not here growing before my eyes every day, I know this is real. This is my reality. I used to make a big deal about my birthday and count down in February. I used to make wish lists. I used to celebrate the entire month of March because people were short on the 1st due to bills LOL. This year I just want to live and I celebrate living every day! That's huge because last year I just wanted to die. The joy of the LORD has strengthened me to this point. Because I have life on the day that I received life (life being the greatest gift one can receive)-Today is a wonderful day.  Happy birthday me! : )

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