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Woman After God's Own Heart....Striving for Excellence, Settling for Nothing but God's Best!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

21 Weeks Pregnant

   Things are going well. I am 21 weeks pregnant with our second child. It will be a girl. Even though my husband thought it would be a boy, he seems more excited that it's a girl or maybe just more excited period. I don't know. I do know that it's not an easy transition, but we are hopeful. It takes most of my strength to manage my emotions day to day and strive to stay positive and focus throughout the changes.  Sometimes fear and anxiety tries to creep in and I have to constantly channel my thoughts and emotions in faith and hope to deliver and raise a healthy, happy baby. People, especially negative or ignorant people, tend to make pregnancy more difficult for women than it has to be simply by the things they say. I learned that with my first pregnancy with Tre' and I tend to not be as social as I used to be. So far the pregnancy is going well. I am healthy and the baby is healthy. She is very active, and I am starting to feel her kick and move a lot. It's probably from me doing Zumba. I still teach Zumba classes weekly. After this week, I will go from teaching 7 classes to teaching 5 so that my husband and I can spend more quality time together and travel before the new baby arrives. There is not a day that goes by where someone doesn't ask me about children or comment about how everything is going to change once the baby is arrive and the responsibility. Sometimes its total strangers. Every now and then it gets irritating and tiring, but I understand that they don't know me or what I've been through the past couple of years. I don't wear a huge sign on my forehead that says hey I'm pregnant but I loss my son a year and a half ago so watch what you say to me. In fact most people wouldn't even know it until the baby conversation comes up. I always acknowledge my son, and even though he's not living, he is very much a part of me. I know that having and raising kids is very hard work. I pray that I can give this child the love and devotion I gave Tre' and more. 

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